
® Vira-Peste
Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) disease, also known as “goat plague”, is a highly contagious and fatal viral disease by morbillivirus which belongs to the Paramyxoviridae and involves small ruminants and camels. Vaccination is the most effective way to control the disease which should be repeated in endemic areas before rainy seasons
Vira-Peste vaccine, including Nigeria 75/1 vaccinal strain, is injected 1 dose (1 ml) subcutaneously to the sheep and goat. Twenty-one days after vaccination, immune antibodies are produced and the livestock will make the long-lasting safety against the recognized serotypes of PPR vaccine as morbillivirus
This vaccine is packed as lyophilized in 100-dose vials

® Vira-Ectyvax
Contagious Ecthyma is a highly contagious viral skin disease with Orf virus from the Paxviridae family. It usually affects sheep and goats and is a zoonotic disease
Vira-Ectyvax® vaccine, with local strain, helps to reduce the severity of complications in infected animals and prevents infecting the rest of the herd. It is inoculated using the scarification method and making two scratches on goats’ and sheep’s bare skin, or the inner surface of the thigh or armpit, by a dedicated applicator every 6 months
Vira-Ectyvax® vaccine is provided by a completely brand-new reusable applicator and in each pump on the scratch, the vaccine is injected at half dose (30 microliters), therefore by making two scratches, will be injected one dose accurately
This vaccine is packed as lyophilized in 50-dose vials

® Vira-LumpyVax
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is caused by the Lumpy Skin Disease virus, a virus from the family Poxviridae which causes necrotic nodules in cattle and buffalo. Successful control and eradication of Lumpy Skin disease rely on rapid and widespread vaccination and early detection of the
disease.Vira-LumpyVax vaccine, including Neethling vaccinal strain, is injected 1 dose (1ml) to cattle and buffalo subcutaneously and by producing antibody against Lumpy Skin Disease virus, creates immunity in the animal body for a year
This vaccine is packed as lyophilized in 25,50, and 100-dose vials

® Vira-AftoVax
Vira-AftoVax Provides an inactivated and injectable suspension vaccine by aluminum hydroxide and saponin adjuvant. Each vaccine dose contains at least 6PD50 (protective dose) of inactivated FMD virus, strains A05IR, AGVll, Asia1, and O-PanAsia-2. One ml of this vaccine is injected into sheep and goats and 5 ml into cattle and calf every 4 months subcutaneously
This vaccine is packed in 100 and 250-ml bottles

® Vira-AftoVaxol
Vira-AftoVaxol provides n inactivated double oil emulsion vaccine by oily adjuvant. Each vaccine dose contains at least 6PD50 (Protective dose) of inactivated FMD virus, strains A05IR, AG Vll, Asia1, and O-PanAsia-2.One ml of this vaccine is injected into sheep and goats and 3 ml into cattle and calf every 6 months subcutaneously or intramuscularly
This vaccine is packed in 100 and 250-ml bottles

® Vira-Norlin
Vira-Norlin (0.9% Sodium Chloride sterile diluent) as a diluent for lyophilized veterinary vaccines is produced by Vira vaccine Shaya company. Also, in order to prepare the vaccine for herd vaccination, a bottle of Vira-Norlin diluent is dissolved in a lyophilized vaccine vial according to the brochure
Vira-Norlin diluent is packed in 25-, 50-, and 100-ml bottles with a lyophilized veterinary vaccine